Solar Hot Water
Our Solar Hot Water Systems are designed to deliver superior solar efficiency with a choice of electric or gas boosting for year round 24 hour a day hot water and the peace of mind of a Five Year Warranty. The result? Savings up to 80% plus on your annual hot water energy costs. One of the soundest financial investments you’ll ever make is getting a Solar Hot Water System that will pay for itself while reducing your dependence on traditional, more expensive, gas and electricity systems. enabling you to continue the savings on your running costs year after year.
The slimline black anodised aluminium roof panels and separate ground mounted storage tanks make Solar Hot Water an attractive and valuable addition to your home that eliminates the unsightly roof tanks often associated with other solar systems.
Engineered to combine thermal efficiency with easy installation, the hot water storage tanks come in 270 litre, 340 litre and 450 litre capacities catering perfectly for every family, small or large. Tanks feature extra thick 3mm wall combined with a solid vitreous enamel lining to prevent corrosion and ensure longevity.
Hot water that doesn’t cost the earth
We are committed to a sustainable, low energy future. By simply changing your old electric storage system to a Solar Hot Water System, you will slash your consumption of greenhouse gas-producing fossil fuels, reduce your household CO2 output by 2 tonnes or more and save 80% plus on your hot water bills.
Highly efficient and environmentally-friendly.
Just as your electricity usage is directly linked to your electricity bill, so too your energy efficiency is directly linked to your carbon footprint. How much CO2 your household produces varies considerably with the size and type of house, number of occupants, the energy efficiency of your appliances, how much you try to minimize energy usage, and how electricity is produced by your electricity provider (coal is the major source in most states).
The average household uses approximately 8,000 kWh of electricity a year, producing approximately 8 tonnes of CO2. With a electric hot water system typically accounting for more than one third of household energy use, you could cut your electricity bills by 25% or more – and reduce your CO2 emissions by 2 tonnes – just by switching to solar hot water.
Features of Solar Hot Water
Designed to provide superior solar hot water performance
Industry leading efficiency and performance
Attractive slim line design solar collectors
Long service life backed by long life, peace of mind warranties
All components certified to Australian standards.
Optimum STCs deliver unrivalled value for money
Low cost, reliable hot water 24 hours a day

Our Range
Capture Australia’s unlimited FREE energy source & provide up to 80% of your hot water heating needs.
Solar Hot Water Systems
Our solar hot water systems receive some of the highest STCs of any solar system due to their energy efficiency. The number of STCs varies with the climate zone. STCs and possible other Government rebates make Leda Solar one of the most efficient, and cost effective, hot water systems available in Australia today.
Rooftop Solar Hot Water
Slimline roof mount solar hot water heaters are traditional close-coupled thermosiphon systems, combining an aesthetically pleasing low-profile tank, with double insulated solar collectors.